UNDEADTREAT : Promo code shared by Wildman616/Don in the comments on October 24th, 2023.MID12GAME : Promo code shared by karmazhorus on November 23rd, 2023.ILOVERAID : Promo code shared by karmazhorus on November 23rd, 2023.These are the active Raid Shadow Legends Promo Codes: We re-checked for new Raid Shadow Legends Promo Codes on November 25, 2023. If a Raid Shadow Legends promo code is not working, please mention it as well. If you know of any new promo code, which we have not listed in this promo code list below, please do us a favor by sharing that promo code in the comment box below. We keep an eye on the new player RAID Promo Codes as well as the promo codes available for all the players. In this article, you will find out the latest Raid Shadow Legends Promo Codes 2023 that can be exchanged for gems, silver, energy potions, multi-battle, EXP, and other in-game rewards. RAID Shadow Legends is a gacha RPG published by Plarium Global Ltd. An updated list of all-new Raid Shadow Legends Promo Codes to redeem for many in-game rewards. Redeem the Raid Shadow Legends Promo Code for freebies.